Shandong Shanding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Shanding's August Group Building: Building Teams, Sharing Laughter

  • Update time: 2024-08-27

Shanding Group held an annual group building activity, in which employees improved team cohesion in laughter. In this dynamic and innovative era, 

Shanding Group has always been committed to building an efficient and harmonious working environment. In order to further enhance team cohesion 

and improve communication and collaboration among employees, Sunding Group recently held a unique group building activity in Jinan.

With the theme of ‘Building Teams, Sharing Laughter’, this activity aimed at deepening the understanding of each employee in a relaxed and 

pleasant atmosphere through a series of well-designed games and creating beautiful memories together. On the day of the activity, the sun was 

shining and the trees were covered with greenery, which provided an excellent venue for outdoor games.

The first activity was ‘ice-breaking action’, through simple self-introduction and talent show, we quickly broke the strangeness of the first time we 

met, and established a preliminary friendship foundation. Subsequently, a series of interesting team challenge games such as ‘Team Relay Race’

Wisdom Puzzle’ and ‘Creative Graffiti’ were staged, which not only tested the team's spirit of co-operation, but also stimulated everyone's creativity

and creativity. It not only tested the teamwork spirit, but also stimulated everyone's creativity and sense of competition.

In the ‘Team Relay Race’, members of each team worked closely together to complete the task by relaying the task, which not only exercised the 

tacit understanding between the team, but also demonstrated the team spirit and collaborative ability of everyone. The ‘Wisdom Puzzle’ required 

team members to pool their wisdom and work together to solve the puzzle, which enhanced the communication and problem-solving ability of the 

team. The final ‘Creative Graffiti’ session was the climax of the activity, where everyone gave full play to their creativity and drew a piece of colourful, 

full of personality, which not only showed their individual artistic talent, but also embodied the team's cohesion and creativity.

At the end of the activity, the chairman of Shanding Group made a summary speech on this group building activity, expressed high appreciation for 

everyone's active participation and team spirit, and emphasised the importance of teamwork for the development of enterprises. Finally, all the 

participants sat around and shared their feelings and insights from the activity, and the atmosphere was warm and enthusiastic.

The success of Sandin Group's group building activities not only enhanced the communication and collaboration between employees, but also let 

everyone feel the power and warmth of the team in the busy work. In the future, the company will continue to uphold the concept of people-oriented, 

and promote communication and cooperation among employees through more diverse activities, so as to jointly promote the company towards a 

more brilliant future.

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