Shandong Shanding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Industry News

Track Tips on Excavators

  • Update time: 2024-01-04

When one side of the track are off, clean up the track around the debris, must first drive wheel butt, the upper end of the track with a shovel hook up, at the same time make the drive wheel alignment and into the track inside, get off the car with an iron want to adjust the production of the drive teeth, and eyes aligned with the upper tractor wheel, the step has been completed in one-half! Brace the machine and walk on one side to make the track straight, brace the machine again and get off the machine to adjust the lower track, try to make the track fall down after the supporting wheel is aligned with the track, this step has been completed two-thirds. Simply use the bucket to gently lift the excavator and hook up the tracks with the bucket teeth, so that the guide wheel enters the tracks, and then, adjust the tracks to produce the guide wheel, and then rotate the tracks and fill them with grease, at which time the tracks have been assembled.

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