Shandong Shanding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Industry News

What to do if the excavator is not responsive

  • Update time: 2024-05-17

1. Check the condition of the machinery: Ensure that all parts of the excavator are in good working order, including the hydraulic system, control levers and joysticks. If any malfunction or damage is found, repair or replace it promptly.

2. Maintain the hydraulic system: keep the hydraulic fluid clean and at the proper hydraulic pressure, and change the hydraulic fluid and filters regularly.

3. Train the operator: Make sure the operator is professionally trained and familiar with the various operating controls of the excavator. The operator should know how to properly use the control levers and joysticks, and how to adjust the speed and force of the excavator as needed.

4. Improve reaction time: The operator can improve reaction time through practice. Carry out specially designed operating exercises such as simulated digging tasks and precise control lever operation.

5. Concentration: Operating an excavator requires full concentration, so the operator should avoid distractions or interruptions. Ensure that no other persons or objects are in close proximity while operating the excavator.

6. Adjustment of seat and lever position: Ensure that the seat and lever are positioned to suit the operator's body size and posture to provide better operator comfort and control.

7. Regular Maintenance and Inspection: Perform regular maintenance and inspection of the excavator to ensure proper operation and responsiveness of the machinery.

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