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Industry News

What are the aspects in which the intelligence of modern lifting platform is reflected

  • Update time: 2024-07-08

As the main equipment for aerial work, lifting platforms have received widespread attention. The innovative design of lifting platforms not only 

enhances operational efficiency, but also greatly improves safety and operational convenience.

The design and manufacturing technology of lifting platforms is constantly advancing, mainly in the following aspects:

Intelligent control system: Modern lifting platforms are equipped with an advanced intelligent control system, which can achieve precise height 

adjustment and position control with simple and intuitive operation. The intelligent control system can also monitor the operation status of the 

platform, provide real-time feedback and fault diagnosis, and guarantee the safety of operation.

Modular design: The modular design makes the installation and maintenance of the lifting platform more convenient. Different modules can be 

flexibly combined according to the operational requirements to meet various height and load requirements. This design not only improves the 

utilisation rate of the equipment, but also reduces the maintenance cost.

Lightweight and high-strength materials: The use of high-strength and lightweight materials, such as aluminium alloy and composite materials, not 

only reduces the dead weight of the lifting platform, but also enhances the load-bearing capacity and durability of the equipment. The application of 

these materials makes the lifting platform more energy efficient and environmentally friendly while ensuring safety.

Multi-functional expansion: In addition to the basic lifting function, modern lifting platforms are also integrated with a variety of functions such as 

rotating platforms, tilt adjustment, automatic walking, etc., which greatly expands the scope of application of the equipment and enhances the flexibility of the operation.

Practical application: raising the standard of operation

The innovative design of lifting platforms has shown significant advantages in practical applications, providing higher standards for aerial work in 

various industries:

Building construction: In building construction, the high efficiency and safety of lifting platforms ensure that workers can quickly and safely carry out 

aerial work, such as façade installation, painting and cleaning, greatly improving construction efficiency and quality.

Industrial maintenance: The maintenance and overhaul of equipment in the industrial field requires frequent work at height, and the flexibility and 

versatility of lifting platforms make them ideal for quickly adjusting to the required position for equipment inspection and repair.

Warehousing and logistics: In warehousing and logistics centres, lifting platforms are used for goods access operations in high shelves, and their 

intelligent control systems and efficient lifting functions improve the efficiency and safety of warehouse management.

Maintenance of public facilities: For example, the installation and maintenance of city lighting, traffic signals and billboards, the convenience and 

safety of lifting platforms enable these tasks to be completed efficiently, reducing the impact on the normal operation of public facilities.

Future outlook: the development trend of lifting platform

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the growing demand for applications, lifting platforms will continue to innovate and 

develop in the future, mainly in the following aspects:

Intelligent and automation: More intelligent and automation technologies will be applied to lifting platforms, such as automatic obstacle avoidance, 

remote control and unmanned operation, to further enhance the safety and efficiency of operations.

Environmental protection and energy saving: The future lifting platform will pay more attention to environmental protection and energy saving, 

adopting new energy power system and recyclable materials to reduce the impact on the environment and meet the requirements of sustainable development.

Personalised customisation: According to the special needs of different customers and industries, the lifting platform will provide more personalised 

customised services to meet the needs of various special operating environments and conditions.

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