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What are the common problems in concrete transport?

  • Update time: 2024-09-23

Concrete transport is an important part of building construction, and its efficiency and quality directly affect project progress and structural safety. 

However, in practice, concrete transport often faces a series of problems, which not only increase the construction cost, but also may affect the quality 

of the project. The following are a few major problems commonly found in concrete transport:

Unstable loading capacity

Unstable loading volume refers to the fact that in the process of concrete transport, due to the improper design or operation of the mixer truck, the 

actual amount of loaded concrete has a large deviation from the expected. This unstable loading volume may cause waste of resources, increase 

transport costs, and at the same time adversely affect the construction progress.

In order to solve the problem of unstable loading volume, it is necessary to carry out regular inspection and maintenance of the mixer truck to ensure 

its stable performance; at the same time, strengthen the training of operators to improve their professional skills and sense of responsibility to ensure 

that each loading is in the best condition.

Uneven mixing

Uneven mixing refers to the fact that concrete fails to mix sufficiently during the mixing process, resulting in uneven distribution of the components of 

each part. This will not only affect the quality of the concrete, but may also lead to insufficient structural strength after construction and even safety 


In order to prevent uneven mixing, high-quality mixing equipment should be selected, and its maintenance and repair should be carried out regularly; 

at the same time, strict mixing process procedures should be formulated to ensure that the concrete is adequately mixed within the specified time.

Concrete performance changes during transport

Concrete in transit, due to environmental temperature, humidity and other factors, its performance may change. For example, a high-temperature 

environment may cause the concrete to set prematurely, while a low-temperature environment may prolong its setting time, and these changes will 

have a negative impact on the construction quality.

To prevent changes in concrete properties during transport, suitable transport times and routes should be chosen to avoid extreme weather conditions;

 meanwhile, mixer trucks should be modified with heat-insulating materials to reduce the impact of the external environment on concrete.

Inefficiency due to idling and congestion

Idling and congestion are common efficiency problems in concrete transport. Empty driving refers to mixer trucks travelling without loading concrete, 

which can waste fuel and time, while congestion can cause mixer trucks to stall on the road, delaying construction progress.

To solve this problem, intelligent dispatching systems can be used to optimise transport routes and scheduling to reduce idling; at the same time, 

co-operation with traffic management departments can be used to obtain real-time road condition information to avoid congested roads and improve 

transport efficiency.

Safety Hazards

Safety is a part of concrete transport that cannot be ignored. Factors including vehicle failure, driver fatigue driving, bad weather and other factors may 

lead to safety accidents.

In order to ensure the safety of concrete transport, regular inspection and maintenance of mixer trucks should be strengthened to ensure that the 

vehicles are in good technical condition; at the same time, safety education and training should be provided to drivers to improve their safety 

awareness and emergency response capabilities; in addition, attention should be paid to weather forecasts to avoid transport operations under 

adverse weather conditions.

High energy consumption and pollution

Traditional concrete transport methods are often accompanied by high energy consumption and greater environmental pollution problems. This not 

only increases the construction cost, but also does not meet the current development trend of green building.

In order to reduce energy consumption and pollution, more environmentally friendly transport methods and technologies can be used, such as the use 

of electric or hybrid mixer trucks to replace traditional fuel trucks; at the same time, the optimisation of transport routes and loading capacity can also 

effectively reduce energy consumption and emission levels.

Low degree of informationisation

In the process of concrete transport, due to the lack of effective informatisation means and management tools, it is often difficult to achieve real-time 

monitoring and data analysis of the transport process. This leads to problems such as opaque information and difficult decision-making in the 

transport process.

In order to improve the degree of informatisation and management level, IoT technology and big data analysis tools can be introduced to carry out 

real-time monitoring and data analysis of the concrete transport process. By collecting and analysing transport data, problems can be found and 

improved in time; at the same time, these data can also be used to optimize transport routes and time scheduling and other aspects of decision-making

support work.

In summary, there are various problems in concrete transport, but by taking appropriate measures and technical means, these problems can be 

effectively solved. In the future, with the continuous development and application of intelligent technology, we have reason to believe that concrete 

transport will become more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly.

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